Growing up in a family of immigrant origin in France

Today, one newborn in four in France has at least one immigrant parent, with similar proportions of children with two immigrant parents and those born to mixed couples.

These children’s origins partially reflect those of migrants to France over the past three decades, in that 69% have parents who were born in Africa – the majority in North Africa (40%).

The family models that prevail in the sending societies and their parents’ childhood experiences (e.g., being raised by both parents, the mother, or other family members) help to shape their own family behaviour. The experience of migration (during childhood or adulthood, recent or more distant) and integration in the receiving country (employment and place of residence) also has an impact on these families’ experiences, in terms of the assistance they receive from extended family members and the household’s standard of living.

[See presentation]

More information

Eremenko T., Elfe scientific meeting, FIAP Jean Monnet, Paris, 13 March 2017.