
Demandes d'accès aux données en 2023

  • Justice environnementale : analyse empirique des inégalités d'exposition à la pollution agricole, Jihad El Naboulsi, Université de Franche Comté

  • Exposition prénatale aux pyréthrinoïdes et neurodéveloppement, Cécile Chevrier, Inserm, Rennes

  • Analyse des associations entre les espaces verts environnant le domicile des enfants Elfe, leur développement et leur santé mentale, Eloi Chazelas, Inserm, Paris

  • Impact de la pollution et de la température sur le neurodéveloppement, Johanna Lepeule, Université Grenoble Alpes

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2022

  • Exposition professionnelle maternelle aux particules nanométriques et pré-éclampsie, Fleur Delva, Université de Bordeaux

  • Projet NEUROPHYTO : exposition in utero aux pesticides et effets sur le neurodéveloppement, Florence Zeman, Ineris, Verneuil-en-Halatte

  • Exposition aux retardateurs de flamme organophosphorés et neurodéveloppement du jeune enfant, Philippe Glorennec, Irset, Rennes

  • Multi-expositions professionnelles maternelles durant la grossesse et troubles hypertensifs de la grossesse, petit poids pour l’âge gestationnel, Fleur Delva, Université de Bordeaux

  • Effets combinés de la température, de l’environnement urbain et des inégalités sociales sur la santé périnatale dans un contexte d’adaptation au changement climatique, Johanna Lepeule, Université Grenoble-Alpes

  • Pré-éclampsie et expositions professionnelles aux solvants pendant la grossesse, Rémi Béranger, Irset, Rennes

Data requests in 2021

  • Projet NEUROPHYTO : modélisation de l'exposition in utero aux pesticides, Florence Zeman, Ineris, Verneuil-en-Halatte

Data requests in 2020

  • Maternal occupational exposure to nanometric particles during pregnancy and child psychomotor development, Fleur Delva, Université de Bordeaux

  • Persistent pollutant exposure and its determinants, Brice Appenzeller, Institut de santé du Luxembourg

  • Environmental exposure to pesticides and air pollution, and autism spectrum disorders, Marion Mortamais, Inserm, Montpellier

Data requests in 2019

Prenatal exposure to pesticides and obstetric health, Rémi Béranger, INSERM, Rennes

Study of link between residential exposure to pesticides during pregnancy and infants’ neurodevelopment, Cécile Chevrier, INSERM, Rennes

Exposure to organophosphorus flame retardants, Philippe Glorennec, EHESP, Rennes

Data requests in 2018

Maternal exposure to solvents in the workplace and psychomotor development at 1 year, Cécile Chevrier, INSERM, Rennes

Characterization of residential and occupational life courses of women in the Elfe cohort, Ghislaine Bouvier, Bordeaux University

Exposure to nanoparticles and child development from birth to 2 years, Fleur Delva, Bordeaux University Hospital

Data requests in 2017

Mothers’ occupational exposure to nanoparticles and pregnancy outcomes - Fleur Delva, Bordeaux University Hospital

Mothers’ occupational exposure to organic solvents, birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction - Cécile Chevrier, INSERM, Rennes

Assessment of prenatal exposure to chemicals using toxicokinetic modelling - Florence Zeman, INERIS, Verneuil-en-Halatte

Data requests in 2013-2016

Microbiological measurements of the home environment and children’s health - Gabriel Reboux, Besançon University Hospital

Factors associated with the exposure of pregnant women and newborns to chemical contaminants: analysis conducted under the aegis of the National Biomonitoring Programme – Clémence Fillol, Clémentine Dereumeaux, Santé publique France, Saint-Maurice

Exposure to medical ionizing radiation during pregnancy and the first 2 months of life - Marie-Odile Bernier, IRSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses

Relationship between air pollution and foetal growth - Johanna Lepeule, INSERM, Grenoble

Calculation of pesticide intake through food consumption - Cécile Chevrier, INSERM, Rennes

Use of pesticides in the home by pregnant women and impact on pregnancy outcomes - Cécile Chevrier, INSERM, Rennes

Occupational exposure of mothers and fathers to electromagnetic fields: association with foetal development - Ghislaine Bouvier, INSERM, Bordeaux

Occupational exposure of mothers to health products and cosmetics: association with foetal development and early postnatal growth - Ronan Garlantezec, INSERM, Rennes, Marie-Aline Charles and Jérémie Botton, INSERM, Villejuif

Assessment of mothers’ exposure to mixtures of contaminants through food consumption during pregnancy and association with foetal development - Jérémie Botton, INSERM, Villejuif

More information

The European regulation on data protection and privacy (GDPR) guarantees individuals a right to information about how collected data are utilized and by whom. All these research projects based on Elfe cohort data were approved by Elfe’s data access committee (CADE), made up of representatives of the project team and associated researchers. CADE’s role is to check the eligibility of the projects that are submitted, looking particularly closely at how far they match the Elfe cohort’s research goals, their feasibility, the risk of persons being identified, and the relevance of the requested data to each project’s specific objectives. Individuals who do not wish to take part in one of the research projects currently underway (i.e. approved since January1st) can exercise their right to withdraw by writing to Marie-Aline Charles, either by post (Elfe - Ined, 9 cours des Humanités, CS 50004, 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex) or by email (communaute @ elfe-france.fr).