Cross-cutting research

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2024

  • Comprendre l’accès aux soins à 5 ans des enfants en situation de précarité et de trouble du neurodéveloppement, Elisa Herman, MRIE/Centre Max Weber, Lyon

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2023

  • Sommeil et développement cognitif et comportemental à l'école maternelle, Sabine Plancoulaine, Inserm et Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon

  • Prédicteurs prénatals du développement de l’enfant : les associations varient-elles selon le sexe ou les inégalités socio-démographiques ?, Emma Butler, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin

  • Comment l’exposition aux pesticides, la situation socio-économique et les mesures de prévention sont-elles liées ?, Matthieu Ariza, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2022

  • Relation entre profils migratoires, alimentation et croissance des enfants Elfe, Emmanuel Cohen, CNRS, Paris

Demandes d'accès aux données en 2021

  • Modes de garde entre 0 et 3 ans, développement psychomoteur et troubles du comportement, Maria Melchior, Inserm, Paris

  • Différences entre garçons et filles dans l’émergence des inégalités sociales de santé au cours de l'enfance, Michelle Kelly-Irving, Inserm, Toulouse

Data requests in 2020

  • Impact of screens on child development, Jonathan Bernard, Inserm, Paris


Data requests in 2019

Social inequalities in growth in Elfe, Barbara Heude, INSERM, Paris

Growth patterns at birth and early childhood by origin: beyond the healthy immigrant paradox, Tatiana Eremenko, National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain

Relationship between religious affiliation and breastfeeding practice, Jonathan Bernard, Inserm, Villejuif project summary

Data requests in 2018

Temperature, pollution and human capital, Emmanuelle Lavaine, Montpellier University

Children’s drawings: a window onto cognition, Michel Raymond, Montpellier University

Screen use at 2 and 3.5 years and associated sociodemographic and behavioural factors, Jonathan Bernard, INSERM, Villejuif

Data requests in 2017

Consumption of growing up milk among infants aged 1 2 years in France - Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, INSERM, Villejuif

Folic acid supplementation - Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, INSERM, Villejuif

Social inequalities, mental health and development - Maria Melchior, INSERM, Paris

Data requests in 2013-2016

Individual and contextual determinants of children’s diet in the first year of life - Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, INSERM, Villejuif

Construction of a score of physical activity during pregnancy - Patricia Dargent, INSERM, Villejuif

Physical activity during pregnancy and postpartum depression - Judith van der Waerden, INSERM, Paris

Unplanned pregnancies: exploration of living conditions, socio-educational aspects, and children’s development and health - Elise de La Rochebrochard, INED, Paris

Comparison between Elfe and the British Millennium Cohort Study: social and health differences between the recruited families - Elise de La Rochebrochard, INED, Paris

Family structures and children’s health in France and the United Kingdom - Lidia Panico, INED, Paris

Children with disabilities: trajectories of children with special educational needs and impact of their disabilities on the family structure - Mélissa Arneton, INS HEA, Suresnes

More information

The European regulation on data protection and privacy (GDPR) guarantees individuals a right to information about how collected data are utilized and by whom. All these research projects based on Elfe cohort data were approved by Elfe’s data access committee (CADE), made up of representatives of the project team and associated researchers. CADE’s role is to check the eligibility of the projects that are submitted, looking particularly closely at how far they match the Elfe cohort’s research goals, their feasibility, the risk of persons being identified, and the relevance of the requested data to each project’s specific objectives. Individuals who do not wish to take part in one of the research projects currently underway (i.e. approved since January1st) can exercise their right to withdraw by writing to Marie-Aline Charles, either by post (Elfe - Ined, 9 cours des Humanités, CS 50004, 93322 Aubervilliers Cedex) or by email (communaute @